S7-Ep31: Rebel Rendezvous

The Second Breakfast Club makes it to Pepperville and meet up with Becky and Diane. The Fools make a plan after getting some information from Becky and Diane and set off on a perilous journey. Arriving at the settlement tired and hungry, our protagonists start investigating.
Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/CreativeTypo and get additional content at www.afoolsquest.com
Mike Cole = Uorag – Druid Furbolg Shifter.
Tony Kinney = Eddie Falzone – Human Wizard.
Jess Owen = Adira – Fire Genasi Barbarian.
Jesse Wicks = Bill Quiverlance – Human Bard.
Nico Rodriguez as your DM.
Shamas Rodriguez – On A More Serious Note
If you would like to follow along with our map, you can find it on our social media pages: www.Facebook.com/afoolsquest / www.Twitter.com/afoolsquest / www.Instagram.com/afoolsquestpodcast
Special thank you to our Patreon Executive Producers: Nick Mead and Patrick T Arsenault
Dungeon World: https://dungeon-world.com/